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Category: Dungeons and Dragons

Card Hunter, an adventure in your web browser!

Card Hunter, an adventure in your web browser!

A couple of years ago, I picked up a game called Penny Arcade: Gamers Against Evil, and enjoyed it immensely.  This was my first introduction to the genre of deck building games.  Deck building games can basically be described as a game where you begin with a small deck full of basic cards, which you will expand with better and more efficient cards as the game progresses.  The power progression of all the players and the interesting strategies that can…

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The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 2

The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 2

Today, I have three more podcasts for you all that may tickle your fancy.  This time, I have one gaming podcast, one tech podcast, and a very interesting Dungeons and Dragons podcast! Weekend Confirmed, hosted by Garnett Lee of, is  one of the higher quality gaming podcasts out there.  As the name of the podcast suggests, this podcast tends to get uploaded later in the afternoon on Friday, and usually runs about an hour and a half. While Garnet Lee enjoys…

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