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Category: FPS

Woot Wednesday: Fallout 4 Trailer!

Woot Wednesday: Fallout 4 Trailer!

After a long five year period with barely a whiff of a Fallout 4 announcement — we finally have one! Not that there was any doubt it was being made, but it sure seemed grim for a while there. Bethesda  kept a tight lid on the very existence of the popular series’ next iteration, not even commenting on the Fallout 4 website hoax back in December 2013. Don’t lie, it tricked you, too! The trailer itself is chock-full of referential…

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Payday 2, get your heist on!

Payday 2, get your heist on!

I was recently introduced to a newly released game called Payday 2, a heist, first-person shooter RPG. Despite not having paid any interest in the previous iteration, I’m finding the sequel very interesting. The mix of genres combined with the heist element proves to be an addicting combination. While this may seem like a strange smattering of genres to combine, we’ve seen the combination of first person shooter and RPG becoming more and more prevalent. As it has become more…

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