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Category: Podcast

Pokemon X and Y, a Nostalgic Dream

Pokemon X and Y, a Nostalgic Dream

Pokémon has always been a fantastic RPG.  While its combat system is simple, when you dig deep, there’s an interesting paper/rock/scissor system that gets you excited when you hear that super effective noise after you use Flamethrower on a Grass type Pokémon!  However, admittedly, Pokémon seems to be a game that is best enjoyed with the condition of nostalgia, which lends to Pokémon’s rabid fan base, who have all been playing since they were young. Don’t let that admission be a…

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The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 2

The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 2

Today, I have three more podcasts for you all that may tickle your fancy.  This time, I have one gaming podcast, one tech podcast, and a very interesting Dungeons and Dragons podcast! Weekend Confirmed, hosted by Garnett Lee of, is  one of the higher quality gaming podcasts out there.  As the name of the podcast suggests, this podcast tends to get uploaded later in the afternoon on Friday, and usually runs about an hour and a half. While Garnet Lee enjoys…

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The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 1

The Wonderful World of Podcasts: Part 1

I currently have a job where sitting at my desk all day and doing the same task over and over is a reality.  In order to not go insane, I’ve developed the habit of listening to audio books and podcasts.  The days go much faster this way and I actually get caught up on my reading, gaming news, and tech news in this manner.  Today, I’d like to introduce you to some of my favorite podcasts. I’ll start with my…

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Ryan Davis, a great friend, that I never met

Ryan Davis, a great friend, that I never met

Just yesterday, some terrible news was announced on  the sudden and tragic death of Ryan Davis, of only 34 years old.  I realize that few people that read this blog have any idea who Ryan Davis was, so I will briefly explain.  Ryan Davis was a well-known game journalist, but that’s putting it too plainly.  Ryan Davis was an entertainer, someone who brought joy to thousands. He was also a friend to many, even those that had never met…

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